You can learn the Japanese hiragana and katakana characters fast and have fun doing it. Just play TileTag for Kana.
System requirements: Practically any computer that can run Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 can run TileTag. Technical support is provided for a minimum of 60 days after you buy TileTag.
Questions? Please contact us. |
By downloading or ordering any version of TileTag you agree not to reverse-engineer or plagiarize any version of TileTag. You agree not to modify TileTag aside from your option to import additional customizing Tilesets into the registered (paid-for) Full Version. You agree you will not let more than one person per copy of TileTag you purchase use the product simultaneously, except for demo versions of TileTag or as explicitly permitted by the license agreement. TileTag and TileSet Creator are protected by copyright law. In addition, aspects of the appearance or operation of this software may be protected by one or more user interface copyrights and patents. Tile Tag, tiletag, and tile tag are misspellings or variant forms
of TileTag
An old style Western spelling for katakana is kata kana. |