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Postal Address Formats when sending mail to Romania

We received a kind email signed Andrei Anghelescu:

    After having found your comprehensive list of address formats, I though you
    might be interested in the formats for Romania.

    Typically, the address should be formatted as follows:

    upper left corner - sender's address (formatted according to customs in the
    country of origin)
    upper right corner - reserved for stamps and franking
    lower left corner - reserved for various mentions (e.g. air mail/par avion)
    lower right corner - address of destination (typical size - 120 mm/80mm -
    roughly 4.8in/3.2in)

    The address should leave an empty margin, 15mm (0.6in) wide, on the envelope.

    The address should contain:

    Dest: <surname><family name>
    <street> <number> [<block> <entrance> <floor> <apartment>]
    <postal code> [<village>,] <town>
    <county> or <sector>


    Dest: Ion Ionescu
    Str. Florilor 8, Bl. I19, Sc. 2, Et. 2, Ap. 25
    012345 Bucuresti
    Sector 1

    Dest: Ion Ionescu
    Aleea Mirabelelor 10, Ap. 1
    012345 Bucuresti
    Sector 3

    Dest: Ion Ionescu
    Blvd. Pacii 30, Et. 3, Ap. 6
    012345 Bucuresti,
    Sector 6,

    Dest: Ion Ionescu
    Sos. Brasovului 214
    012345 Prejmer
    Jud. Brasov


    - the types of streets are prepended to the names (unlike in English) and they
    translate as follows:

    Abbrev  - Full       - English correspondent
    Str.    - Strada     - street
    Intr.   - Intrarea   - drive
    Aleea   - Aleea      - alley
    Blvd    - Bulevardul - boulevard
    Sos.    - Soseaua    - road
    Drumul  - Drumul     - road

    - specifiers inside a building. Typical for the large blocks of flats in the

    Bl.  - the code of the building (either a letter followed by a number,
    or just a number. E.g. I9, P45, 23).
    Sc.  - the number of the entrance (literally: scara = staircase)
    Et.  - the floor number (etaj = floor)
    Ap.  - the number of the apartment

    Either Bl. and Sc. may not be required, in case of a smaller building
    Et. and Ap. also depend on the building, but they have to appear, if either
    Bl. or Sc. were specified.

    The postal code is 6 digits long and can be checked at
    There is an English version of this page.

    County or Sector
    If the town was Bucharest, the sector must be provided.
    This can be written either as: Sector  (1 through 6) or Sect. 

    All other towns must specify the county. This is written as:

    There are 41 counties, as follows:
    Alba, Arad, Arge?, Bac?u, Bihor, Bistri?a-N?s?ud, Boto?ani, Bra?ov, Br?ila,
    Buz?u, Cara?-Severin, C?l?ra?i, Cluj, Constan?a, Covasna, Dâmbovi?a, Dolj,
    Gala?i, Giurgiu, Gorj, Harghita, Hunedoara, Ialomi?a, Ia?i, Ilfov, Maramure?,
    Mehedin?i, Mure?, Neam?, Olt, Prahova, Satu Mare, S?laj, Sibiu, Suceava,
    Teleorman, Timi?, Tulcea, Vaslui, Vâlcea, Vrancea

    Please let me know if you needed other details or if I could explain something


    Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science
    110 Frelinghuysen Road
    Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019

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