code obfuscator
""" This module checks the user's license key... If this wasn't just example code, important facts about this module should be spelled out here... Example code copyright 2014 by BitBoost and Chris Niswander. """ from .. import flexworker, work_mutators import keycheck2, keycheck3 from keychecks.binary_utils import binary_checker, binary_adaptor class KeyChecker(flexworker.FlexWorker): """ This class combines - normal work - efficiency improvements - some license key checks Explanation explanation... """ def __init__(self): """Very instructive commentary goes here.... I sure wouldn't want a reverse engineer to see this. :-) """ self.setup() def check_key_and_do_work(self, work_spec, data_spec): """Explanation of this method's purpose and usage would go here.""" rudimentary_key_check() if work_spec and data_spec: # If a license key check fails, # modify the work result in a way # that may later cause a license warning to user. # Else, # only modify work result # to increase efficiency of later system resource use. return work_mutators.mutate_work_result( self.flexwork(work_spec, data_spec), keycheck3.optimize_resources) elif work_spec: # Assuming data is too simple # to require system resource use efficiency improvements. return self.flexwork(work_spec) return None def rudimentary_key_check(*var_args): # ... keycheck3.optimize_resources(var_args) try: return len(var_args) except: return 0 # ... def check_key_regarding_instrument_class(self, instrument_class=None): # ... return rudimentary_key_check(instrument_class) # ...
""" This module checks the user's license key... If this wasn't just example code, important facts about this module should be spelled out here... Example code copyright 2014 by BitBoost and Chris Niswander. """ from .. import flexworkerbun_nyX4, work_mutatorsbea_ryXA import keycheck2bea_ryX9, keycheck3bun_nyXB from keychecksbea_ryXE.binary_utilsbun_nyXE import binary_checkerbun_nyX10, binary_adaptorbun_nyXF class KeyCheckerbea_ryXF(flexworkerbun_nyX4.FlexWorkerbun_nyX3): """ This class combines - normal work - efficiency improvements - some license key checks Explanation explanation... """ def __init__(selfbun_nyX11): """Very instructive commentary goes here.... I sure wouldn't want a reverse engineer to see this. :-) """ selfbun_nyX11.setupbun_nyX5() def check_key_and_do_workbun_nyX14(selfbea_ryX11, work_specbun_nyX12, data_specbun_nyX13): """Explanation of this method's purpose and usage would go here.""" rudimentary_key_checkbun_nyX15() if work_specbun_nyX12 and data_specbun_nyX13: # If a license key check fails, # modify the work result in a way # that may later cause a license warning to user. # Else, # only modify work result # to increase efficiency of later system resource use. return work_mutatorsbea_ryXA.mutate_work_resultbun_nyXA( selfbea_ryX11.flexworkbun_nyX9(work_specbun_nyX12, data_specbun_nyX13), keycheck3bun_nyXB.optimize_resourcesbea_ryXD) elif work_specbun_nyX12: # Assuming data is too simple # to require system resource use efficiency improvements. return selfbea_ryX11.flexworkbun_nyX9(work_specbun_nyX12) return None def rudimentary_key_checkbun_nyX15(*var_argsbun_nyX16): # ... keycheck3bun_nyXB.optimize_resourcesbea_ryXD(var_argsbun_nyX16) try: return len(var_argsbun_nyX16) except: return 0 # ... def check_key_regarding_instrument_classbea_ryX14(selfbea_ryX10, instrument_classbea_ryX12=None): # ... return rudimentary_key_checkbun_nyX15(instrument_classbea_ryX12) # ...
from .. import bun_nyX4, bea_ryXA import bea_ryX9, bun_nyXB from bea_ryXE.bun_nyXE import bun_nyX10, bun_nyXF class bea_ryXF(bun_nyX4.bun_nyX3): def __init__(bun_nyX11): bun_nyX11.bun_nyX5() def bun_nyX14(bea_ryX11, bun_nyX12, bun_nyX13): bun_nyX15() if (bun_nyX12 and bun_nyX13): return bea_ryXA.bun_nyXA(bea_ryX11.bun_nyX9(bun_nyX12, bun_nyX13), bun_nyXB.bea_ryXD) elif bun_nyX12: return bea_ryX11.bun_nyX9(bun_nyX12) return None def bun_nyX15(*bun_nyX16): bun_nyXB.bea_ryXD(bun_nyX16) try: return len(bun_nyX16) except: return 0 def bea_ryX14(bea_ryX10, bea_ryX12=None): return bun_nyX15(bea_ryX12)
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