A normal human being might then think that MySQL AB's interpretation of the GPL license permits some person/org to:
Free use for those who never copy, modify or distribute. As long as you never distribute (internally or externally) the MySQL Software in any way, you are free to use it for powering your application, irrespective of whether your application is under GPL license or not.
So are the Commercial License and the Open Source License separate licenses, or are they all part of, or fully subsumed into, one big licensing policy headed "MySQL Licensing Policy"?
According to MySQL AB:
For example, suppose you want to charge customers $50 each for a software product that is designed to be used with MySQL. Selling such a product is allegedly 'distributing' MySQL. Does MySQL want you to purchase a $295 license for each server (or even each processor?) on which you license a customer to use your software? Or should you (can you?) buy a different type of license, more expensive than $295? Does this jack up the price of your software from $50 to $345 per server? It would appear that software to be used with MySQL is permitted to be free and GPL, and alternatively is permitted to cost several hundreds of dollars and up per server, but under no circumstance may it be merely inexpensive.
When in DoubtI note the absence of a recommendation for seeking written, signed clarification from MySQL AB, which might hold up better in court than an alleged copy of an old email.If you have any questions on MySQL licensing, feel free to contact us: USA and Canada: + 1-425-743-5635 or online Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: +49-(0)7022-9256-30 or lizenzierung@mysql.de Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, and Denmark): +46 730 234 111 France: +33 (0) or vente@mysql.com Finland: +358 (0)9 2517 5553 Spain, Portugal, and Latin America: +1 (425) 373-3434 or vende@mysql.com
I wonder how the tons of LAMP users and developers feel right now, a change of this magnitude in mid-stream! Nice way to treat a community that has built itself around MySQL's LGPL Client Libraries.Idehen suggests a tool to de-MySQL your MySQL-specific code:
Now if you think that you are stumped simply because you went innocently down the LAMP path by buying into the "MySQL data access is good enough perception", and now find yourself over invested in MySQL specific code (that is data access code bound directly to the MySQL client libraries), please don't worry! There is an Open Source solution called MySQL2ODBC that is based on the pre 4.1 MySQL client libraries that enables your MySQL specific application (which is typical of L AMP solutions) to become iODBC compliant, and this is achieved without a wholesale rewrite of your application.http://www.iodbc.org/index.php?page=mysql2odbc/index
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